


113中國材料科學年會 呂晃志教授指導陳嘉宏同學榮獲Best Paper Award


113中國材料科學年會 呂晃志教授指導陳嘉宏同學榮獲Best Paper Award

碩士班廖凱祥同學、張文宜同學參加教育部學海築夢計畫 – 海外實習


碩士班廖凱祥同學、張文宜同學參加教育部學海築夢計畫 – 海外實習

碩士班廖凱祥同學參加JSAP 九州分會 2024 年年會/第九屆亞洲應用物理會議(Asian APC)


碩士班廖凱祥同學參加JSAP 九州分會 2024 年年會/第九屆亞洲應用物理會議(Asian APC)

碩士班王柏詠同學參加旭宏World PM2024世界粉末冶金年會


王柏詠同學表示參加 World PM2024 國際粉末冶金研討會,對我而言是一個難得的機會,不僅能夠向來自世界 各地的專家和學者展示我的研究成果,更能在國際的平台上增進對粉末冶金領域的了解。

FengChia Featured

Taiwan's First! Feng Chia University Partners with Fraunhofer Society to Establish Innovation Platform


Feng Chia University has been tirelessly promoting international cooperation and has collaborated with the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (Fraunhofer IST) for nearly a decade. During this period, the collaboration projects included bilateral industry-academia cooperation, joint seminars and forums, the establishment of joint laboratories, personnel exchanges, and the joint proposal of cooperation plans. With fruitful cooperation results, the world's largest applied research organization, the Fraunhofer Society, and Feng Chia University agreed to expand their cooperation and jointly establish an international innovation platform on campus, named the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Surface and Production Engineering for Optical and Electrical Systems at Feng Chia University (FIP-SPE@FCU). The platform was officially inaugurated today (28th), marking the first Fraunhofer FIP international innovation applied research organization in Taiwan.

FengChia Featured

2024 Taiwan Innotech Expo Feng Chia University Wins 2 Gold, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze Medals


The "2024 Taiwan Innotech Expo" was held from October 17 to 19 at the Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1. Feng Chia University exhibited six patents in the "Invention Competition Area" of the school invention zone, among which five patents won 2 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze medals.